
Grinding It Out— May – August 2014 NY Metro Area Tournament Schedule

Check out Monique’s newest installment to this years tournament schedule.

Flame Retardant

Matt slogs through TDL week one, loses his mojo, and finds it again.

Hope Eternal—We in Here Talking About Practice? *31st*

Tim skipped practicing for GP Philly. But it was just practice, not a game, not a game.

Power & Toughness—More Grand Prix Philly Practice

Matt tries to play a sealed daily on MTGO and has some cash and prizes at the end.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Burn in Hell

Matt falls in love with a Courser and recounts the ScryDucks playoff match in Team Draft League against The AbeySitters, building his favorite limited deck of all time in the process.

Goddammit, Art!

Matt explores a different side of card art and cardboard waste management.

Developments in Durdling—Grossly Overprepared

I have always considers myself an early adopter. I was the first kid I knew with a Game Boy in […]

Stereolab, TDL Week Four, and Bogles

Matt runs through last week’s Magic life: Team Draft League and GP Richmond plans.

BNG THS THS with Jesse and Micah

Matt invites Micah and Jesse into his home for a BNG THS THS PreRe draft and they have tons of fun!

Team Draft League Week Two and the Big Tilt

Matt loses his shit after a few nights with little sleep and tilts hard via GoPro.

The Tilt Cycle

I came back to the game close to two years ago. In that time I’ve certainly gotten better. Better comes […]