Power and Toughness
I Feel Like a Powerful Wizard!
November 25, 2013
12 min to read
The Obliterator embraces Reid Duke’s wizard mantra and has a blast at GP DC playing Shardless BUG!
Jund, The Eternal Destroyer
November 11, 2013
13 min to read
The Obliterator takes Punishing Jund to Eternal Weekend in Philly and Plays some Legacy. Photos galore.
Preparing for Grand Prix DC*
November 4, 2013
8 min to read
The Obliterator talks about his love for Bloodbraid Elf and time travels to the 90s at least twice.
Shiny New Toys in DC
October 24, 2013
5 min to read
Legacy is getting some useful new cards right before the Grand Prix in DC! Tim takes you through the ones that you might want to try jamming into your decks.
The Road to DC: Mid-Atlantic Metagame Analysis
October 17, 2013
10 min to read
Let’s take a look at how we can expect the Legacy metagame to shape up for Grand Prix D.C.!
Exploring Theros Draft: UB Tempo
October 9, 2013
8 min to read
It’s been almost two weeks since Theros launched and boy is it getting a lot of praise. Most of the […]
Arting Aroung—The Blur of Theros
October 2, 2013
4 min to read
Matt Jones gets into the art of Theros, layer by layer, all at once.
An Atheist’s Response to Theros
September 30, 2013
8 min to read
Matt Jones diarrheas about his week in life and Magic—including some chat about Theros and Legacy Jund!
Power & Toughness—The Yuppies Absolutely Triumphed
September 23, 2013
14 min to read
Matt Jones runs through his week. Some of it has to do with Magic, a lot of it is simply magical. Three MTGO videos included!
We Got A Wiener!
September 19, 2013
6 min to read
Two runners up and three big winners for Hipsters of the Coast and Monday Night Magic’s No, Seriously, You Draw The Card contest! Hooray!!
Been Playing Blue and I Think I Like It
September 9, 2013
4 min to read
Drafting M14 Limited hasn’t been giving Matt Jones the blues but has given him the blue cards.