Magic Revenue Grew 20% in Q3 2023—and the Magic Netflix Show Lives!
October 26, 2023
2 min to read
Hasbro’s overall revenue fell 10%, while The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is the second Magic set to reach $200 million in sales.
Viral Spawning is Deeper Than It Looks
February 6, 2023
7 min to read
Rob takes a deeper look at Viral Spawning, one of the uncommon cards from the new hotness that is Phyrexia: All Will be One
Trash Talking with Legacy Elf Master Daniel Nguyen
February 7, 2018
1 min to read
Sam interviews Daniel Nguyen, the master of Legacy Elves about playing Magic as a kid and preserving Legacy.
Five Reasons the New Magic Story is Better than the Old Magic Story
October 17, 2016
5 min to read
After reading 40+ of the legacy Magic novels, Rich discusses why the new Magic Story is a vast improvement
Aluren On My Mind
September 13, 2016
7 min to read
So you want to play Aluren in Legacy with the new and affordable Recruiter of the Guard? Jerry tells you how.
August 16, 2016
7 min to read
Jerry takes Kaya, Ghost Assassin out for a spin in Legacy.
Enjoy Your Food
February 11, 2016
5 min to read
Derek goes on vacation and finds time to enjoy the process, both in life and Magic.
Silence, Exile, and Cunning—Phasing Out
January 8, 2016
2 min to read
I’m phasing out, but where am I going?
Developments in Durdling—Resolving
January 2, 2016
3 min to read
Another Year another batch of New Year’s Resolutions, and Predictions and some odd musings. Each year I look back and […]