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Eternal Durdles
B&R updates
July 22, 2016
2 min to read
Zac and Nate wax on about the lack of news this week in legacy!
Hope Eternal
Buyout Blues
July 8, 2016
4 min to read
Kate addresses the buyouts that have been plaguing the MTG community.
Command of Etiquette
Blame Crony Capitalism
January 14, 2016
6 min to read
Jess looks at the proxy battle between Wizards and its consumers.
Developments in Durdling
The Boogeymen
August 1, 2015
5 min to read
Zac Clark talks shop about Shops and Dredge. Two of Vintage’s most maligned decks.
Hope Eternal
Fate Reforged Eternal Review
February 5, 2015
10 min to read
Fate Reforged has been out for nearly two weeks, now, and Tim thinks more than a few of these cards will find a home in Eternal play!
What We Learned
Underground Dojo Keyboard Cagefighters
October 27, 2014
6 min to read
This week we take a look at the way the community feels about cheating and also recap Eternal Weekend 2014
Hope Eternal
Why I’m Bullish On MODO Eternal
October 2, 2014
7 min to read
Tim is going to tell you why we’re about to see UNPRECEDENTED growth in Eternal Formats, online.
Hope Eternal
Khans of Tarkir Eternal Review
September 18, 2014
15 min to read
Tim’s got the rundown of what new Khans cards will play nicely with your older cards.
Developments in Durdling
Block Science and Online Antics
August 30, 2014
3 min to read
Zac Clark shares his gut reaction to the new block format and talks about the pitfalls of easy access to MTGO.
Hope Eternal
You’re A Wizard, Harry!
August 21, 2014
5 min to read
Tim talks about some of the differences he’s noticed between Vintage—the format that will ACTUALLY make you feel like a powerful wizard—and Legacy
Hope Eternal
Eternal: Complete
August 9, 2014
5 min to read
Evil Tim has taken the plunge. What plunge? Read on to find out!