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Magical Hack
Cube Questions: Lightning Strike and Tarmogoyf
April 21, 2021
7 min to read
How can you reinforce the draftable archetypes in your cube?
Commander Academy
Seeing Double: Meet Our New Commander Staple Spell-Lands
September 16, 2020
8 min to read
Would you like to add a few massive spells to your Commander deck’s mana base?
Legion's Landing
How to Play More than 100 Cards in Commander
November 18, 2019
7 min to read
Through the magic of value and versatility!
Drawing Live
Mono-Red Jund
June 5, 2018
7 min to read
Despite being public enemy number one, Goblin Chainwhirler has taken PT Dominaria and Standard by storm. Why is Red so good and why has it been so good for so long?
Value and Legacy
June 26, 2017
7 min to read
Hour of Devastation is upon us, and Rob is considering the messages sent from Magic’s civilizations. Will Amonkhet leave a legacy of value?
Drawing Live
Eternal Masters Limited Analysis
May 31, 2016
8 min to read
Zach breaks down a bunch of important commons and common interactions in Eternal Masters draft, as well as addresses the elephant in the room: is Eternal Masters worth it?
None Shall Pass Bombs
Fate Reforged Cram Session
January 29, 2015
4 min to read
Carrie shares a sweet draft deck from her weekend testing Fate Reforged while the snow blanketed Brooklyn.
Power and Toughness
Grand Prix New Jersey: Black Lotus
November 24, 2014
2 min to read
Matt makes one trade to rule them all and some Power is involved.
Drawing Live
Cash in, Cash out
November 18, 2014
4 min to read
Zach’s got some new goodies from GPNJ and… doesn’t know what to do with them. Why do we obsess about value, anyway?