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UW Control
The Rapport
Updating Azorius Control with Modern Horizons
June 6, 2019
6 min to read
Snow control is the closest you can get to playing Tundras in Modern.
Leaving a Legacy
The History of Legacy: Memoirs of a Tundra Mage
January 12, 2018
1 min to read
Pat and Jerry do a deep dive into the history of UW Control decks in Legacy.
Modern Hero
Same Shift Different Day
October 5, 2017
2 min to read
Shawn takes Titan Shift through another Modern League, this time with a friend along for the ride.
Modern Hero
Week Seven Report
May 24, 2017
3 min to read
Shawn takes a step back and joins a Modern Friendly League on MTGO. Will it go better than last week? Could it get worse?
Power and Toughness
June 9, 2014
5 min to read
Jones travels to Philly with Bones and Clark to eat a sandwich.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Control, Week Two
January 1, 2014
11 min to read
This week Shawn plays through a Maxpoint Silver event with UW Control, becomes an honorary member of the Wolfpack, loses to his brother, bashes Phyrexians, and finishes the whole thing in ninth place.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Control
December 25, 2013
9 min to read
This week Shawn discusses the flavor of Huey Jensen’s UW Control list from GP Dallas and runs the deck through a weekly Standard event.