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Nova's Playbook
What We’d Play This Weekend in Modern
July 26, 2019
10 min to read
Five different decks!
Tower, Mines & Fine Lines
New Modern Combo Decks
May 7, 2019
9 min to read
Narset, new Karn, and Neoform.
Leveling Up
Modern Winners and Losers for Mythic Championship II London
April 25, 2019
4 min to read
What decks are feeling good going into Mythic Championship II London? Which ones are too confident?
The Rapport
Grixis Death’s Shadow vs. Tron
April 11, 2019
5 min to read
How to beat the big-mana menace.
Tower, Mines & Fine Lines
War of the Spark Early Modern Contenders
April 9, 2019
6 min to read
Get excited for new sparks in Modern.
Tower, Mines & Fine Lines
Old and New Again in Modern
February 28, 2019
7 min to read
Blast from the Past wins Modern tournament!
Hope Eternal
Goyf Tron
July 20, 2018
3 min to read
This week Kate discusses her unusual deck building choices, adding Tarmogoyf to Mono Green Tron in Modern.
Brew Corner
Meanest Deck in Magic Update
March 1, 2018
6 min to read
Aaron continues to search for the Meanest Deck in Magic. Is it a Pauper deck?
Drawing Live
Sculpting New Horizons
February 20, 2018
5 min to read
Jace is back in Modern, and so is Zach. Today, we’ll consider why Jace is such a culturally significant card and how it can affect both Modern and its player base.
Power and Toughness
Modern Eldrazi Tron
November 21, 2017
7 min to read
Sandro piloted Eldrazi Tron to the top eight of a local Modern tournament.
The Modern Age
Playing Against Tron
October 27, 2017
8 min to read
Carrie continues her survey of the Modern metagame with some advice on how to play against Tron.