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Leveling Up

Rebound or Drown

How to pick yourself up after dropping.

Common Origins

Dealing with Tilt

Kendra reflects on the eternal struggle against tilt.

Zero to Thirty

Toxic Positivity

Anthony reflects on tilt, and how both positive and negative fixations can hold you back as a competitor.

Bringing to Light

Types of Tilt

Lexie examines tilt and shows you how to overcome it.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Developments in Durdling

Born to Lose

Zac Clark has something important to say to the competitive MTG Community.

Scrub Report

Tilting Transitions

Scrub Reporter Nat ditches their (not so friendly) LGS after a negative experience, and tries out MTGO, drafting lots and lots of wolves!


Scrub Report—Scrubbing Off Part 4

In his final installment, guest Scrub Garrett Gardner recounts a local limited championship.


Too Much Salt

Hunter’s been feeling extra salty lately while playing Magic: The Gathering—and he doesn’t like it.

Power and Toughness

Team Draft League Week Two and the Big Tilt

Matt loses his shit after a few nights with little sleep and tilts hard via GoPro.

Grinding It Out

Casually Competitive

10:19 a.m. It feels so good to sleep in. I had the option to wake up early and play in […]

Power and Toughness

Everything-But-Blue Reanimator in Standard

On Friday my studio assistant/friend/artist/all-around-good-guy Eric and I, in preparation for moving my studio mid-Month to a new location, cleaned the hell […]