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Power and Toughness

Second at the $400 Cash Standard Tournament

Every Zombie Jesus weekend Jen’s folks come down to Brooklyn from the Boston area and we eat shit tons of […]

From the Sideboard

Embracing My Inner Johnny

By Kadar “World’s Greatest Monster” Brock Johnny is the creative gamer to whom Magic is a form of self-expression. Johnny […]

Power and Toughness


This thing could easily stretch to 10,000 words so I’m gonna let photographs do a significant portion of the talking. […]

Power and Toughness

Magic: The Onlinening

Fat oaf: So let me get this straight. You’re a CIA agent sent by the Queen of America to deliver this […]

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Scrub Report

The Scrub Report—Standard for Dummies

Last week a funny thought flicked across my mind. While sorting Magic at the Twenty Sided Store I was struck […]

Power and Toughness

Jund, Success, Humility, and Byes

When you’re 50 points away from a second bye for the next season, and there’re only two weeks left in […]

Power and Toughness


“We outnumber them! Charge! Charge! Hey, where’d you guys go? Retreat! Retreat!” (from Withdraw) Pro Tour Gatecrash was on my […]

From the Sideboard

SCG snOpen Series Edison, Part One: Standard

I know it wasn’t my fault, but I still feel a little guilty about promising Zac to write a tournament […]

Power and Toughness

Cognitive Dissonance

There was a blizzard and it shut down any hopes of going to the two local PTQs, emptied my interest […]

From the Sideboard

First Impressions of a New Standard

Greetings, hipsters! We now have one weekend of post-Gatecrash standard in the books, and I promised Zac a guest post […]


Alive and Well

When Ponder left Standard, I stashed away my Delvers like old mementos, eagerly awaiting the day when I can break […]