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Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Control, Week Two
January 1, 2014
11 min to read
This week Shawn plays through a Maxpoint Silver event with UW Control, becomes an honorary member of the Wolfpack, loses to his brother, bashes Phyrexians, and finishes the whole thing in ninth place.
Power and Toughness
Kings Games is the Worst Place to PTQ
December 16, 2013
10 min to read
The Obliterator bans Kings Games after a lousy PTQ experience.
Ensnaring Cambridge
BG Dredge
December 11, 2013
12 min to read
This week Shawn discusses luck vs. variance and plays a Conley Woods’ brew through a Standard tournament.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Jundredge, Week One and Never Again
December 4, 2013
9 min to read
This week Shawn makes Paperboy references, talks about a play he wrote, and runs his own brew through a Standard tournament.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Rakdos Aggro, Week Two and the Magic Guild
November 27, 2013
13 min to read
This week, Shawn writes about his old LGS and the unsettling actions of its owner. He also runs Rakdos Aggro through another Standard tournament with mixed results.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Rakdos Aggro
November 20, 2013
13 min to read
This week Shawn investigates Rakdos Aggro, the winning deck from GP Santiago, to see if it is the real deal or just a fluke.
Scrub Report
The Scrub Report—Red Card Math
November 1, 2013
6 min to read
Tony Mei explores the budget-friendly side of Standard.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Maze’s End, Week Two
October 30, 2013
17 min to read
This week Shawn goes in-depth about the individual card choices and considerations for his Standard Maze’s End deck and finalizes a list.
Power and Toughness
Super Sexy Halloween Edition
October 28, 2013
10 min to read
Matt shreds your cards with Legacy Jund and random counterspells with his bare hands, all while attending a limited PTQ in his spare time.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Maze’s End
October 23, 2013
14 min to read
Shawn discusses the biggest obstacles in the way of Maze’s End becoming a real deck in Standard and offers a few possible solutions.
Developments in Durdling
Breaking Down the Meta
October 12, 2013
9 min to read
We’re heading into week 3 of post rotation Standard. Right now Red Deck Wins, Azorius Control and Esper Control seem […]