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Silence, Exile, and Cunning

Esper Dragons and Drafts

Derek plays Esper colors this week and gets hooked.

Silence, Exile, and Cunning

Between Worlds at GP Miami

My experience attending GP Miami.

Doomed Travelers

The Anatomy Of A Siege Rhino

Join the Doomed Travelers as they dive deep into the process Wizard’s R&D might have used to develop Siege Rhino before it was printed in Khans of Tarkir!

None Shall Pass Bombs

Tasigur in Charge

Carrie tells you why you should play Tasigur in Standard, and why Sidisi Whip is the best way to do it.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Power and Toughness

Playing with Monsters

Matt plays Standard even though he always says he won’t.

Counting to 20

Basic Lands are Retro

What might Antonino De Rosa’s exciting Dark Deal deck imply about this stale Standard format?

Power and Toughness

Power and Toughness–Standards

Matt played in a PPTQ and a TDL match last week and shares his experience.

Counting to 20

Reforging Standard’s Rhino Problem

Khans Standard has a Rhino problem: why is it so hard to solve, and can Fate Reforged help?

Papa Longo's Story Time

Papa Longo’s Story Time—Defending the Dojo

Longo travels back in time for Standard (feat. Craig Wescoe) and Fate Reforged prerelease weekend.

From the Sideboard

Quint at GP Denver

Guest writer Quint shares his success at Grand Prix Denver.

Counting to 20

A Rare Gift

A control player gives a peculiar gift the night before the big tournament.