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Standard Deviation
When Will the Hearthstone Release Cycle Stabilize
November 23, 2016
3 min to read
With Mean Streets of Gadgetzan looming we wonder when the release cycle will become more regular
None Shall Pass Bombs
Things to Do on Kaladesh
October 27, 2016
4 min to read
Carrie brainstorms on some powerful Kaladesh cards that might be under your radar for both Limited and Constructed.
Drawing Live
How Much Magic Should be Released?
October 25, 2016
6 min to read
Zach digs into the Magic product release schedule for the last few years, and he has some thoughts.
Eternal Durdles
EE Follow Up/Standard Rant
October 21, 2016
1 min to read
Nate and Zac look at the top 8 from Eternal Extravaganza 5 and look to future legacy tourneys, then respond to the new about Standard Rotation.
Hope Eternal
Eternal Standard
October 21, 2016
2 min to read
This week Kate discusses why Standard might be a good option for Eternal players.
Standard Deviation
Climbing the October Ladder with Discolock
October 12, 2016
5 min to read
This week Rich provides a status update as he pilots Discolock on the October Standard ladder
Zero to Thirty
Under the Radar, Over the Line
October 7, 2016
4 min to read
Anthony looks at a few cards he thinks have a real opportunity to shine in the new Standard Hearthstone season
Standard Deviation
Hearthstone October Standard Deck Selection
October 5, 2016
5 min to read
Rich proposes a few options for his October Standard Deck on the Hearthstone ladder and asks YOU to vote on them!
Standard Deviation
Closing Out the September Season with Disco Warlock
September 28, 2016
4 min to read
Rich finishes the September Standard Hearthstone season with Disco Warlock and shares his thoughts on mulligans and match-ups.
Standard Deviation
Thoughts on the Welcome Bundle and Climbing the Ladder with Warlock
September 21, 2016
3 min to read
Rich breaks down the value in Hearthstone’s Welcome Bundle and talks climbing the ladder.
Standard Deviation
Hearthstone Standard Metagame Analysis Analysis
September 7, 2016
5 min to read
Now that the first post-Karazhan Standard season is underway, Rich takes a look at how we figure out the new metagame.