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What We Learned

Is the Magic Story Becoming a Problem for Standard?

Some folks would have you believe that the problems with competitive Magic these days stem from the shift in focus towards the Magic Story. They are wrong.

Grinding It Out

Going Ballistic for Mardu Ballista

Chantelle breaks down the evolution of Mardu Ballista, a.k.a. the best deck in Standard.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Setting a New Standard

Carrie shuffled up sixty cards for the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier last weekend and barely missed snagging a blue envelope with Temur Tower.

Drawing Live

A Dangerous Standard Looms

Standard is out of the frying pan but potentially heading straight for the fire. Amonkhet looms large, and with it, there may come more bannings.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Hope Eternal

Pro Tour Blues

This week Kate discusses the lack of diversity on the newly announced Pro Tour teams.

Brew Corner

Standard Tezzeret Control

Aaron busts out a special Standard edition of Brew Corner starring Tezzeret the Schemer.

Eternal Durdles

Contra BAN!

Nate and Zac talk fallout over the B&R list.

Hope Eternal

Legacy for All

This week Kate talks about how to make Legacy accessible for yourself.

Drawing Live

Starting the Year off with a Ban(g)

Standard and Modern bannings?! What a way to kick off 2017, and after such a lousy 2016! It’s fine, folks – this is all normal, believe it or not.

Drawing Live

Return of the Titans

Standard today looks a whole lot like Standard from 2010. Take a trip back to the Reign of the Titans to see what it can teach us about today.

Standard Deviation

Linear Strategies in Hearthstone

Linear strategies may not be flashy but they can get the job done and help explore a new format.