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The Hipsters MTG Newsletter
Braham Thomas Wins GP Pittsburgh with Mono-Red
June 25, 2018
2 min to read
Welcome to this week’s Hipsters Weekly MTG Newsletter. Every Monday, we tell you know what you need to know about […]
Drawing Live
Stealing Life for Fun and Profit in Magic 2019
June 19, 2018
9 min to read
Zach has FOUR Magic 2019 previews this week, all showcasing off what white/black is about: abusing lifegain!
Drawing Live
Winds of Change
June 12, 2018
6 min to read
Zach reviews the past year of Magic. What’s working? What’s been lackluster? How good or bad has it been? And most importantly, what does it suggest about the future?
Drawing Live
Mono-Red Jund
June 5, 2018
7 min to read
Despite being public enemy number one, Goblin Chainwhirler has taken PT Dominaria and Standard by storm. Why is Red so good and why has it been so good for so long?
The Magic Minute
Pro Tour Dominaria Day 1 Recap
June 1, 2018
2 min to read
Red decks featuring Goblin Chainwhirler dominated the metagame at PT Dominaria.
Common Origins
The Good, the Bad, and the Event
May 9, 2018
4 min to read
Kendra reflects on her success at Grand Prix Seattle, as well as the challenges of going back to daily life after the event.
From the Sideboard
Pumping Up the Counter Surge Challenger Deck
May 2, 2018
7 min to read
Kendra tackles the last Challenger Deck, turning Counter Surge into Sultai Constrictor for your beatdown pleasure.
From the Sideboard
Retooling the Vehicle Rush Challenger Deck
April 25, 2018
8 min to read
Kendra helps you soup up your Vehicle Rush Challenger deck for Standard.
From the Sideboard
Rekindling the Hazoret Aggro Challenger Deck
April 18, 2018
7 min to read
Kendra takes you from the Hazoret Aggro Challenger Deck to Rekindling Phoenix Standard glory.
From the Sideboard
Reapproaching the Second Sun Challenger Deck
April 12, 2018
7 min to read
Kendra is back from Grand Prix Seattle to tell you how to make the Second Sun Control Challenger deck a force to be reckoned with.
Drawing Live
Verix and Karox Bladewing, Broodmates
April 5, 2018
6 min to read
Zach has a special Dominaria preview card—or is it two cards? Get off the floor for the latest Bladewings.