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Imagine Standard in Neon Dynasty’s Secluded Courtyard
January 31, 2022
6 min to read
Kamigawa offers the latest version of popular creature-type five-color lands like Cavern of Souls and Ancient Ziggurat.
Drawing Live
2021 Mechanics in Review—Midnight Hunt
October 26, 2021
8 min to read
We begin a review of the many new mechanics introduced to Magic: the Gathering in 2021.
Shattered Perceptions
Quintorius Spirit Revival
April 29, 2021
9 min to read
Get a Lorehold of this recursive spirits Commander deck that promises to lower the power level at the table just by showing up.
Shattered Perceptions
Iname as One
February 21, 2019
8 min to read
Going going back back to Kamigawa.
Hipsters Presents
A Spirited and Snowy SCG Invitational
December 13, 2018
6 min to read
Going 7-1 in Modern with Bant Spirits at the Star City Games Invitational.
Bringing to Light
Deep Dive: Lingering Bant Spirits
July 25, 2018
7 min to read
Lexi goes in depth on her preferred Modern Spirits build: Bant Spirits featuring Lingering Souls.
Bringing to Light
Going Forward with Spirits in Modern
July 11, 2018
9 min to read
Lexie is full of spirit for some new M19 cards that strengthen the tribe in Modern!