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None Shall Pass Bombs
Into Devoid
February 18, 2016
8 min to read
Carrie reflects on draft metagaming and shares some sweet open devoid decks.
None Shall Pass Bombs
None Shall Past Bombs—Jumping Ship in Draft
November 26, 2015
7 min to read
Carrie explains when you want to jump ship mid-draft and when to stay the course.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Jumping Ship in Draft
June 18, 2015
7 min to read
Carrie explains when you want to jump ship mid-draft and when to stay the course.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Pack Two
February 20, 2014
9 min to read
Carrie proposes a theory for drafting Born of the Gods/Theros/Theros.
None Shall Pass Bombs
If the Blue Fits…
October 31, 2013
14 min to read
Carrie goes through some interesting games of Theros draft while cursing up a storm.