Tagged in
shardless agent
The Modern Age
Welcome to Modern, Shardless Agent!
June 4, 2021
5 min to read
Let’s look at some of the new toys we now have in Modern thanks to Modern Horizons 2.
Eternal Tricksters Cascade Tibalt Into Play
February 8, 2021
6 min to read
Why must you turn this eternal format into a den of lies?
Brew Corner
Shardless Pox
November 18, 2015
5 min to read
Guest writer Aaron Gazzaniga shares his fresh Legacy brew, Shardless Pox, a new take on an old classic.
Power and Toughness
Shardless BUG Unbanned
January 26, 2015
2 min to read
Breaking news: Wizards unbans Shardless BUG in Legacy!