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None Shall Pass Bombs
Taking Magic to Cuba
January 5, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie returns from a family trip to Cuba which included a Magic lesson in the Holguin airport.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Next Level Kaladesh in Milwaukee
December 15, 2016
7 min to read
Carrie celebrates late-season Limited Grand Prix and takes it to the next level in Milwaukee.
None Shall Pass Bombs
The Final Super Sunday
December 8, 2016
5 min to read
Carrie says goodbye to the Super Sunday Series and hopes for a better replacement.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Sometimes You Win
November 17, 2016
6 min to read
Carrie won a sealed PPTQ last weekend. Hear how she did it.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Kaladesh Limited Review
October 20, 2016
4 min to read
Carrie predicted Kaladesh would be an all-time great Limited format. What does she think three weeks after release?
None Shall Pass Bombs
Lessons from Grand Prix Atlanta
October 13, 2016
8 min to read
Carrie reports on Kaladesh Limited after Grand Prix Atlanta.
None Shall Pass Bombs
How to Play Control in Kaladesh Sealed
October 6, 2016
6 min to read
Carrie took a control deck to the top eight of a Kaladesh sealed PPTQ. Read how to play defense in an aggressive format.
Drawing Live
The Kitchen Sink
September 27, 2016
6 min to read
Does Kaladesh seem fast for you? Did flood seem worse this weekend? That makes sense: Zach’s here to explain the importance and lack of Kaladeshi mana sinks!
None Shall Pass Bombs
Top Fives Coming and Going
September 22, 2016
4 min to read
Carrie says goodbye to her five favorite Shadows block cards, and highlights some new favorites for the Kaladesh prerelease.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Out of the Shadows
September 15, 2016
5 min to read
Carrie shares her last dance in Shadows block limited from Grand Prix Louisville.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Why Eldritch Moon Sealed is Great
August 18, 2016
6 min to read
Carrie explains why Eldritch Moon sealed is so great. Hint: it’s the uncommons.