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Price of Progress
Historic on a Budget, Part 2
July 22, 2020
11 min to read
Budget Historic decks for the other three colors!
Shattered Perceptions
My Favorite Mountains
June 11, 2020
7 min to read
And now for something not that different!
Mirror Gallery
Matching Mountains
June 11, 2020
12 min to read
Climb the heights of Magic Mountain art.
Legion's Landing
Five Red Cards You Should Play More in Commander
May 11, 2020
10 min to read
When you play with Neheb, you play with fire.
Legion's Landing
Bolstering Boros: Building Winota, Joiner of Forces
April 20, 2020
12 min to read
The new Boros general is here to make your attack steps even better!
Commander Academy
Commander Primer: Rakdos
December 18, 2019
9 min to read
Rakdos stares into the Void and sees value. Learn to unleash your bloodthirst at the Commander tables.
Commander Academy
Commander Primer: Izzet
November 20, 2019
10 min to read
There’s more to Izzet that drawing cards.
Drawing Live
Every War of the Spark Common Review, Part 2
April 25, 2019
23 min to read
We conclude our review of every common in War of the Spark with red, green, colorless, and the a full review of the colors!
Drawing Live
Mono-Red Jund
June 5, 2018
7 min to read
Despite being public enemy number one, Goblin Chainwhirler has taken PT Dominaria and Standard by storm. Why is Red so good and why has it been so good for so long?
Mirror Gallery
Vintage Artist Constructed—Matt Cavotta Mono-Red
May 17, 2018
14 min to read
A 60 card, Vintage-legal format where every card must be illustrated by the same artist.
Kitchen Table Magic
Patrick Sullivan the Walking Talking Basic Mountain
April 19, 2018
1 min to read
Sam interviews Patrick Sullivan, master Red mage, game designer for Eternal, and SCG Commentator.