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Red Deck Wins
Kitchen Table Magic
Patrick Sullivan the Walking Talking Basic Mountain
April 19, 2018
1 min to read
Sam interviews Patrick Sullivan, master Red mage, game designer for Eternal, and SCG Commentator.
Kitchen Table Magic
Jay Schneider of Red Deck Wins and The Mana Curve
November 28, 2017
1 min to read
Jay Schneider created the concept of the Mana Curve and made the first burn deck, “Paul Sligh Red”.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Theros Block Draft Video Two
June 26, 2014
1 min to read
Theros got you feeling horny? Carrie has a draft video that will light your fire!
None Shall Pass Bombs
Theros Top Ten
December 19, 2013
12 min to read
Carrie loses to every red card ever printed but still puts one in her Theros limited top ten.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Red Deck Wins, Week Two
September 25, 2013
11 min to read
In both Magic and wrestling, the process of the match is more important than the result.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Red Deck Wins
September 18, 2013
12 min to read
Right now, Mono Red is a real deck and I hate it.