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None Shall Pass Bombs
Minnesota Feats
August 9, 2017
7 min to read
Carrie returns from Grand Prix Minneapolis with a Sealed masterpiece from the Sunday PTQ. See how to win without broken rares.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Five Lessons from Grand Prix Vegas
June 22, 2017
6 min to read
Carrie shares five lessons from the Magic extravaganza in the desert that was Grand Prix Las Vegas.
Paths to the Pro Tour
The RPTQ and PTQ Paths to Pro Tour Amonkhet
May 8, 2017
3 min to read
Learn more about the paths that passed through the RPTQ and PTQ events on their way to Pro Tour Amonkhet
What We Learned
Goodbye GPT, Welcome Back Nationals and PTQs
February 13, 2017
4 min to read
This week we talk about the end of the GPT system, the return of the Sunday PTQ, and the incredibly exciting return of the National Championships.
None Shall Pass Bombs
The Clock and Online Metagames
June 23, 2016
7 min to read
Carrie built an online PTQ sealed deck that was too slow for the clock. The online metagame is plagued by this across formats.
None Shall Pass Bombs
I Love the PPTQ
May 19, 2016
5 min to read
Carrie tells you why she loves PPTQs and you should stop hating on them so much.
None Shall Pass Bombs
None Shall Past Bombs—Painful Truths
December 3, 2015
6 min to read
Carrie learned some painful truths in a recent online sealed PTQ.
Counting to 20
Now It’s On
March 13, 2015
9 min to read
GCB hitched his last hopes for Pro Tour Brussels to sealed deck on Magic Online. Find out what happened in his full report. (Spoiler: there is drafting at the end)
Counting to 20
The Last Slice
March 6, 2015
3 min to read
What does a grinder do when there are no more PTQs to travel to? For GCB, the answer is on the Internet, and its codename is Modo.
Environmental Factors in Magic
February 27, 2015
4 min to read
Hunter reflects on how environment affects his Magic gameplay—and checks in on his GP/PTQ win/loss record to see if he does better at premier events.
Papa Longo's Story Time
Papa Longo’s Storytime—PTQ’s, TDL, & Birthday Drafts
February 24, 2015
5 min to read
Papa plays his TDL match, competes in the Philly PTQ and eats a lot of cake at Chris Pikula’s birthday party.