Tagged in
pro tour
Drawing Live
Multiple Mana Lands
February 9, 2016
10 min to read
Eldrazi Temple and Eye of Ugin tap for multiple mana. Zach’s here with an analysis of EVERY LAND that does. How do the Temple and Eye match up?
Drawing Live
The Cost of the Modern Pro Tour
January 19, 2016
6 min to read
Zach examines the Modern bans and concludes we should have seen this coming.
What We Learned
Going Further with Premier Play Changes
August 10, 2015
8 min to read
This week we applaud Wizards for making changes to premier play but implore them to go even further
What We Learned
Improving the Pro Tour, Conclusion
August 3, 2015
11 min to read
This week we take what we learned from tennis, golf, and bowling and suggest radical changes for the Pro Tour
What We Learned
Improving the Pro Tour, Part Two
July 27, 2015
11 min to read
This week we continue our look at how other competitive tours are structured and what we can apply to the Magic Pro Tour
What We Learned
Improving the Pro Tour, Part One
July 20, 2015
9 min to read
This week we look at alternative models for the Pro Tour structure in an attempt to address several key issues
What We Learned
May 4, 2015
9 min to read
Scouting has recently come to the forefront of the collective consciousness of the Magic community. What is it and who’s talking about it?
Doomed Travelers
Scout’s Honor
April 28, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the recent hullabaloo around organized scouting at Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir.
Counting to 20
Bombs Suck
April 17, 2015
2 min to read
GCB breaks down what made his draft decks at PT Dragons of Tarkir successful… or not so successful.
Counting to 20
Three Ways to Miss
March 20, 2015
5 min to read
Three tales of Magic players struggling to find purchase on the Pro Tour thrill ride.
Doomed Travelers
The Modern Format
February 24, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the health of the Modern format…all while playing Destiny!