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Leveling Up
How to Prepare When Preparing
February 22, 2019
4 min to read
Zack walks through his approach to playtesting.
Practicing Dragons of Tarkir Sealed
April 17, 2015
5 min to read
Determined to be ready for his next Dragons of Tarkir sealed GP, Hunter practiced on MTGO last weekend. Find out how his smashy GW build performed!
Environmental Factors in Magic
February 27, 2015
4 min to read
Hunter reflects on how environment affects his Magic gameplay—and checks in on his GP/PTQ win/loss record to see if he does better at premier events.
Power and Toughness
Cruise or Lo… Er, #GPNash Prep
October 27, 2014
5 min to read
Matt misses Eternal Weekend and silver lining’s his team into a very valuable Grand Prix Nashville Team Sealed practice.
Power and Toughness
Power & Toughness—More Grand Prix Philly Practice
April 7, 2014
10 min to read
Matt tries to play a sealed daily on MTGO and has some cash and prizes at the end.
February 14, 2014
7 min to read
Hunter goes to Switzerland, eats it on skis, and connects his experience to getting better at … Magic?
November 1, 2013
6 min to read
Lately Hunter has been feeling like a Rusted Relic without any artifact buddies.
Cracking the Team Sealed Code
May 31, 2013
8 min to read
Team sealed is no easy nut to crack. But over the past two weeks, my team has been meeting up to practice.