Tagged in
power creep
Lowry Muses
Is Power Creep a Bad Thing for Commander?
September 8, 2023
3 min to read
How is power creep impacting Commander? Does it matter? Or can an increasing power level in Commander actually be a good thing?
Commander Academy
The Evolution of Legendary Creature Design in Commander
July 30, 2020
11 min to read
What era is your Commander from?
Legion's Landing
How the Evolution of Mono White Reflects the State of Commander
July 13, 2020
12 min to read
It’s time to unleash a Dismantling Wave on your decks.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Bad Card Limited
October 18, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie reflects on why the lower power level of Ixalan Limited is a nice change of pace.
Shattered Perceptions
Savannah Lions Through Time
June 15, 2017
7 min to read
Ryan taps two blue, exiles six cards from his graveyard, and casts Savannah Lions.