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Arting Around
A Command Towering Interview with Ryan Yee
June 22, 2015
7 min to read
Matt Jones gets some great preliminary sketches and behind the scenes insight from Ryan Yee!
Power and Toughness
Sorcery Speed
May 18, 2015
2 min to read
Matt practices DTK for the first time as he’s rejoined TDL as a mid-season sub.
Power and Toughness
April 27, 2015
3 min to read
Jones is back from far away lands and tells a story.
Power and Toughness
Power and Toughness–Standards
February 23, 2015
5 min to read
Matt played in a PPTQ and a TDL match last week and shares his experience.
Power and Toughness
Grand Prix Nashville
November 10, 2014
11 min to read
Dave and Kadar joined Matt at GP Nashville. Winning happens.
Power and Toughness
I Like to Draw
September 8, 2014
6 min to read
Matt draws his way through a second viewing of the Maria Lassnig exhibition and writes a hidden story.
Power and Toughness
A Knight of Capashen
June 16, 2014
5 min to read
Jones spilled paint on a Capashen Knight. He then studied it, drew it, and writes about it as an art object.
Arting Around
Email Interview With Chris Rahn
March 27, 2013
7 min to read
Since interviewing RK Post at Grand Prix Atlantic City I’ve been trying to contact and engage other Magic: The Gathering […]
Arting Around
The Void
February 14, 2013
5 min to read
The narrative that flows through Magic: The Gathering isn’t good. It’s more or less generic hero mythology. The characters and […]
Arting Around
Gatecrashing With Fetto
January 24, 2013
5 min to read
Spoiler season is 25% exciting and 75% frustrating. New cards are neat. People’s opinions on them seem a festering combination […]
Arting Around
An Interview With RK Post
January 17, 2013
9 min to read
Sometime between rounds of the main event at GP Atlantic City, I’m sitting at a table chowing down on some […]