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What We Learned
25 Years Later—The World of MTG in 1993
July 9, 2018
3 min to read
As we creep closer to Magic’s 25th birthday we reminisce about what the world was like for those heading to the Origins Game Fair in July of 1993.
Dear Azami
The Retcons of Revane, Part II
April 19, 2017
7 min to read
Levi finishes his examination of the rewritten history of Nissa Revane, and reflects on what that means for the Magic story going forward.
Dear Azami
The Retcons of Revane
March 22, 2017
8 min to read
Levi begins a two-part dive into the complicated backstory of Nissa Revane. If you love Magic lore, don’t miss this one!
None Shall Pass Bombs
Origins Top Ten
September 10, 2015
6 min to read
Carrie busts out her top ten Magic Origins limited cards.
None Shall Pass Bombs
The Key to Origins Draft
August 6, 2015
4 min to read
Carrie declares the fundamental rule of Magic Origins draft.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The 2015 Wolfpack Invitational 2.0
August 5, 2015
9 min to read
Shawn shares pictures and stories from the second ever Wolfpack Invitational.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Origins Lessons from Dallas
July 30, 2015
11 min to read
Carrie shares three lessons about Magic Origins limited from her weekend at Grand Prix Dallas.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Drafting Rakdos in Origins
July 23, 2015
5 min to read
Carrie shares her first Origins draft, a sweet Rakdos midrange deck.
Ensnaring Cambridge
My First Origins Draft
July 22, 2015
5 min to read
Shawn discusses his first Origins draft and his initial impressions on the format.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Undefeated in Origins
July 16, 2015
4 min to read
Carrie crushed her Magic Origins prerelease with big creatures and removal.
Grinding It Out
Magic Origins Instants and Flash Spells
July 10, 2015
1 min to read
Monique is back with her nifty table of Instants. Brush up on Magic Origins combat tricks and other instant speed spells just in time for the prerelease.