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Grinding It Out
Development Milestones for MTGDad
March 7, 2018
4 min to read
This week we take a look at some developmental milestones we’ve achieved in our few months as an MTGDad
Grinding It Out
MTGDad Eight-Week Check-In and Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Pool Analysis
February 28, 2018
4 min to read
With a second trophy in his pocket, can you help MTGDad get ready for a fifth RIX Friendly Sealed League?
Grinding It Out
My Actual First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Trophy
February 7, 2018
4 min to read
This week we celebrate actually getting a trophy in a Rivals of Ixalan friendly Sealed League! No metaphors, just some Merfolk and Dinosaurs stomping all over a league while my baby gets gassy and spits up all over me!
Grinding It Out
My First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Trophy
January 31, 2018
3 min to read
This week we celebrate some major accomplishments in MTGParenting as we continue to juggle our newfound newborn responsibilities with a Rivals of Ixalan Sealed League.
Grinding It Out
My First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Pool
January 24, 2018
4 min to read
We finally dive into a Rivals of Ixalan draft, er sealed pool rather, while balancing changing diapers and helping out with the newborn