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Scrub Report
Magic and the Hearth, Part One
January 17, 2014
4 min to read
Tony plays Blizzard’s Hearthstone and explores what makes a game scrub-friendly.
Scrub Report
Fear and Loathing in Sealed
January 10, 2014
4 min to read
Tony explores Theros Sealed and the dark side of Planeswalkers.
Scrub Report
How Not to Cube
January 3, 2014
6 min to read
Tony takes another shot at deciphering Magic Online’s Holiday Cube. As you might imagine, things end pretty badly.
What We Learned
The Three Biggest MTG Stories of 2013
December 30, 2013
10 min to read
It’s been a wild year for the Magic community, and as 2013 comes to a close it’s time to look at the three biggest stories of the year. Event coverage, tournament attendance, and the state of Magic Online were all brought to the forefront of our attention for better or for worse. Now we look at how those stories unfolded and what the future holds for us.
Scrub Report
The Christmas Cube
December 20, 2013
6 min to read
Tony tackles Magic Online’s 2013 Holiday Cube and learns some valuable lessons about green cards and mana.
What We Learned
Satire and Stockings
December 9, 2013
14 min to read
This week the Magic Community was presented with a satire of itself, courtesy of StarCity Games’ Chas Andres. It mostly missed the mark.
What We Learned
Magic Offline
November 18, 2013
15 min to read
This week we take an in-depth look at what went wrong with MTGO. Starting with the history of the application leading up to the present-day events, we’ll disect just how Wizards has (mis)managed one of their flagship products, and what we in the community can expect going forwards.
What We Learned
Vintage Masters
October 28, 2013
6 min to read
Every week we review the biggest news in the Magic community from the Pro Tour to your Local Gaming Store. This week we take a look at Vintage Masters and Grand Prix Antwerp.
Hope Eternal
UWr Miracles in Action!
October 10, 2013
2 min to read
Tim Akpinar works some Miracles in a Legacy Daily.
Grinding It Out
Magic Online 101
August 21, 2013
7 min to read
Welcome class. Today we will be learning about the basic’s of playing Magic the Gathering Online.
Power and Toughness
M14 Limited (It’s Not So Bad)
August 5, 2013
5 min to read
M14 is out and I want to get better at Limited, so my Limited-exclusive friends have some sort of respect for me.