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Cube Elation
March of the Machine: The Aftermath and Commander Deck’s Cube Hits
June 30, 2023
9 min to read
Usman shares his thoughts on the best (or at least most interesting) cube cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath and Commander decks.
Cube Elation
March of the Machine’s Cube Hits
June 6, 2023
8 min to read
Usman breaks down the best cards March of the Machine has to offer for your cube drafting enjoyment.
Consider the Seedshark
May 8, 2023
7 min to read
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Seedshark’s in the water. Our Chrome Host Seedshark.
Nathan Steuer Wins Pro Tour March of the Machine
May 7, 2023
8 min to read
The Magic: The Gathering World Champion won the tournament Rakdos Midrange and four copies of Fable of the Mirror-Breaker.
The Aftermath of March of the Machine: The Aftermath
May 2, 2023
9 min to read
The entire set has been previewed, including the newly-desparked Planeswalkers and other story beats.
15 Wins
MTG Arena Midweek Magic Guide: March of the Machine Constructed
May 1, 2023
3 min to read
The event is free to all players and requires a 60-card deck entirely made up of cards from the March of the Machine expansion.
15 Wins
March of the Machine MTG Arena Mastery Pass
April 28, 2023
3 min to read
The second major set to release in 2023, March of the Machine brings with it a huge Mastery Pass to Arena. Here’s what you need to know.
Goblin Lore
Yankees Suck…but We Love Kyra
April 26, 2023
3 min to read
K Arsenault Rivera joins the goblins to discuss her work writing the March of the Machine story.
Prismatic Vistas
Hot MOMs: The Top 10 Queer Women of March of the Machines
April 18, 2023
9 min to read
Dora counts down this unique list of queer women from Magic’s latest expansion, March of the Machines!
MTG Arena Announcements: Close Are The Footsteps Of The Machine
April 10, 2023
3 min to read
Check out how March of the Machine will look on MTG Arena!
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Invasion of Gobakhan (Exclusive Official Preview Card)
April 3, 2023
7 min to read
Zach dives into the new Battle mechanic and the design space it opens up, including a look at our official preview card!