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Magical Hack
Ikoria Cube Review Revisited
July 10, 2020
11 min to read
What did Ikoria really bring to the Cube community?
Magic and Meaning
Monsters of Our Own Making
June 30, 2020
9 min to read
Does Ikoria hold deeper truths beyond its often goofy exterior?
Farewell to Ikoria: Highlight Reel
June 8, 2020
8 min to read
Let’s remember the good times.
Breaking News
Agent of Treachery, Fires of Invention Banned in Standard and Historic, Companion Mechanic Errata’d
June 1, 2020
6 min to read
Players will now have to pay three mana to add their companion to their hand.
Art Market Minute
Ikoria Showcase Art and Sketches by Steve Ellis Sell for $14,775
May 26, 2020
5 min to read
Ellis, a popular fantasy, comic book, and Dungeons & Dragons artist, returned to Magic art after twelve years.
Art Market Minute
Four Daniel Warren Johnson Ink Originals Sell for $3,750
May 19, 2020
3 min to read
Including an unused version of Narset!
Breaking News
Wizards Announces “Love Your LGS” Promotion with Mechagodzilla Hangerback Walker Promo
May 18, 2020
2 min to read
Buy a box of any production—like Ikoria or Mystery Boosters—from your local game store.
Art Market Minute
Three Filip Burburan Legends Fetch Nearly $20,000 Combined
May 13, 2020
4 min to read
Xyris, the Writhing Storm led the group at $9,000.
Art Market Minute
Three Chris Rahn Ikoria Legends Sold
May 5, 2020
4 min to read
Boon of the Wish Giver also sold in the series of legendary illustrations.
Talking Through The Feel of Ikoria
May 4, 2020
7 min to read
Where have we seen Mutate before?