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What We Learned
Commander 2013 Spoiler Season
October 20, 2013
6 min to read
Spoiler season comes an extra time this year with the release of the Commander 2013 boxed sets. But if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got a ton of Pro Tour Theros reports to sort through as well as two Grand Prix events to recap!
Ensnaring Cambridge
UR Master of Waves
October 16, 2013
13 min to read
This week Shawn gloats about his Nightveil Specter speculation, suggests Master of Waves be given a national holiday, and plays a few rounds of Standard.
What We Learned
High Tide: A Pro Tour Theros Recap
October 14, 2013
6 min to read
This week we break down the coverage from Pro Tour Theros and talk about the return of Blue to Standard. Should fans be concerned that the oppressive big blue counter-magic decks are going to make a comeback? Is this the end of Red/Green’s day in the sun?
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Master of Waves
October 9, 2013
13 min to read
This week Shawn battles with a UW Master of Waves brew and then overhauls the deck completely.
What We Learned
MTG Top 25
October 7, 2013
7 min to read
Wizards released an official Top 25 list, but is it a step in the right direction? What does it mean for the future of Pro Tour Coverage?
Arting Around
Arting Aroung—The Blur of Theros
October 2, 2013
4 min to read
Matt Jones gets into the art of Theros, layer by layer, all at once.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Theros Team Sealed at SCG Worcester
October 2, 2013
15 min to read
This week Shawn takes a break from Standard to play Theros Team Sealed. He wins one match the entire day.
What We Learned
Theros Released
September 30, 2013
5 min to read
It’s been a pretty quiet week in the Magic world with most everyone focused on the rotating Standard environment and preparations for Pro Tour Theros.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Red Deck Wins, Week Two
September 25, 2013
11 min to read
In both Magic and wrestling, the process of the match is more important than the result.
What We Learned
Growing Your Theros Prerelease
September 23, 2013
7 min to read
Rich wants to make sure everyone has fun at their prereleases in the future and lays out some guidelines for Tournament Organizers to do their part in making the Magic happen.
What We Learned
2014 Grand Prix Schedule Review (Sept. 16)
September 16, 2013
7 min to read
46 events in 21 countries make up the 2014 Grand Prix Schedule which was announced earlier this month. We’ll take a look at the changes to the GP Circuit including prize payout, host nations, team tournaments, and the change to back-to-back Grand Prix/Pro Tour weeks. As always, don’t miss the quick hits from the previous week and the wallpaper of the week.