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Conjured Currency

The Economics of Magic Arena

Rich breaks down how the Magic: The Gathering Arena economy functions and how to make it work for you.

Drawing Live

Brothers’ War Mechanics First Look

Brothers’ War previews have unveiled spicy new mechanics. Zach is here to break them down.


Magic: The Gathering’s Creepiest Creature Types

There’s a whole menagerie of terrifying creatures in Magic’s margins.

Breaking News

Weekly MTG Reveals Many Spoilers…and a Real-Life Robot Battle

Ryan Hay covers the bevy of announcements, both surprising and expected, from the last Weekly MTG livestream before Magic 30.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Mirror Gallery

Meet the Sponsored Artists of Magic30

These five artists will be part of the festivities this weekend at Magic30 in Las Vegas!

Leaving a Legacy

A Tribute To Jordan

This week we take a moment to remember our friend, Jordan Aisaka.


Spellslingers Patch 1.01.02 Turns the Metagame Upside-Down

The world of Spellslingers will never be the same after today’s balance patch.


A Brief Chat with Spellslingers Lead Designer Lukas Litzsinger

We catch up with one of Spellslingers’ Lead Designers ahead of next month’s expansion.

Shattered Perceptions

Fifteen Years of Planeswalkers

Planeswalkers have been getting some new tools and powers over the last five years.

Hipsters Presents

Here’s How I Handled Magic: The Gathering Burnout

Luka shares their advice on keeping Magic fresh and recovering from burnout.

The Ultimate Guide to Magic Spellslingers

Spellslingers and Archetypes: The Monocolored Slingers

Sin Black continues her Ultimate Guide to Magic Spellslingers with a thorough breakdown of the monocolored ‘Slingers and their archetypes.