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Breaking News

Metamorphosis 2.0: Core Sets Return and Small Sets Disappear

Mark Rosewater kicked off announcement week with Metamorphosis 2.0 and we answer the burning question on everyone’s mind: Did MaRo kill Magic?

Power and Toughness

The Top Decks in Legacy, Part II

Getting ready for Grand Prix Las Vegas? Sandro is here to give you the skinny on the top decks in Legacy. Part two is right here.

What We Learned

Grand Prix Las Vegas aka Magic: the Conventioning

Is Grand Prix Las Vegas really a Grand Prix or is it time we started thinking of it differently?

Zero to Thirty

Did Someone Say MMO?

Wizards of the Coast has announced a new Magic: the Gathering MMORPG. Anthony is here to tell you what to expect.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Hipsters Presents

Hipsters Guess How Mark Rosewater Will Kill Magic This Time

We attempt to guess what form MaRo’s next attempt to kill Magic will take.

Scry Five

The Art of the Magic Trailer

As Beck waits hopefully for the Hour of Devastation trailer, he looks back at some of his favorites.

Leaving a Legacy

Zac Turgeon & Mogg Stompy

This week Jerry and Patrick sit down with one of our local players Zac (@the_amazing_zac) as we discuss his innovation of Mogg Stompy, as well as a listener submitted deck!

Shattered Perceptions

Kaalia of the Past Lives

Sure, you’ve played a Kaalia deck. But have you played a Kaalia reanimator deck?

Breaking News

Magic Digital Next: Cryptic Studios Announces a Magic: the Gathering MMO

Wizards of the Coast is partnering with Cryptic Studios and Perfect World to bring Magic: the Gathering into the world of MMOs.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Sealed Cards I Want to Pull

As Carrie prepares for the RPTQ this weekend and Grand Prix Vegas after that, she shares what she hopes to pull from her Sealed packs.

Drawing Live

The Problem with Tinkers

Know what the *real* problem with Standard is? Tinker, the card that’s restricted in Vintage and banned everywhere else.