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Leaving a Legacy

Modern Horizons Sucks

Jerry and Patrick talk Legacy, the state of the format, and football!

Breaking News

Wizards Teases “Mystery Booster” with Events at MagicFest Richmond and PAX Unplugged

Wizards revealed no details other than that they will be playable in Draft and Sealed formats.

Breaking News

Wizards Announces Unsanctioned, an Un-Box Set

A box set with five 30-card un-decks that will release on Leap Day, February 29, 2020.


Bant Golos Dominates Week 1 Standard

Week 1 is the best time for hyperbole and quick judgments about how awful the Standard format is.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

From the Sideboard

Modern Brewing: An UrzaDox Story

Urchin Colley shares her brewing process for the Modern Urza Paradoxical Outcome deck.

Art Market Minute

Jeremy Wilson’s Showcase Embereth Shieldbreaker Sells for $8,550

Check out the unique Showcase artwork up close!

Breaking News

Blizzard Suspends Hong Kong Hearthstone Player for Supporting Pro-Democracy Protests and Rescinds Prizes

Blitzchung wore a mask during an interview and said, “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our age!”

Drawing Live

Finding Friendship and Fellowship

With more and more play moving online, how does one make friends through Magic?

Art Market Minute

Josh Hass’s Painting for Murderous Rider Sells for $5,000

The art was for the “normal” printing of the card, and accompany’s Jenn Ravena’s Showcase variant.

Standard Eyes

Starting Points for Standard

Dig out these Standard cards now that rotation has arrived.


Piotr Głogowski Wins the Sapphire Division of the MPL’s Eldraine Split

Głogowski played GB Adventure and defeated Jessica Estephan on Bant Food in the Grand Finals.