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MTG Finance
What We Learned
Regulating the Secondary Market
October 19, 2015
5 min to read
As the secondary market continues to grow we take a hypothetical look at how regulating the market could improve the game
What We Learned
On Capitalism and Magic
October 12, 2015
8 min to read
In the wake of the value of Jace exploding we take a look at the purpose of capitalism and the nature of collectible card games.
Scrub Report
Spending Money on a Kid’s Game
August 7, 2015
6 min to read
Scrub Reporter Daniel talks about some tricky subjects: money, parenting, objectification, and MTG.
Hope Eternal
March of the Budget Modern Decks
May 15, 2014
9 min to read
Evil Tim will teach you that you don’t need to break the bank to get into Modern, thanks to the new Event Deck!
Ensnaring Cambridge
MTG Finance/Speculation Review
March 5, 2014
12 min to read
Shawn reviews some specs from six months ago, offers up some new ones, and rethinks the basics of Magic finance.
The Wealth of Binders
How Strong Is Your Devotion?
September 13, 2013
10 min to read
Devotion is the most important mechanic in Theros. Here are some speculative trades that will become devotion-activating format staples.
What We Learned
Theros Financial Speculation (Sep 9)
September 9, 2013
9 min to read
Buy, sell, or hold? That is the question, and the topic this week is the first batch of Theros spoilers. Rich selects a few choice cards to review financially and let’s you know where he thinks they’ll end up moving. As always, don’t miss the recap of great community writing from last week, and the weekly review of the Magic Arcana Wallpaper of the Week.
The Wealth of Binders
And Finally, Value Trading!
August 28, 2013
8 min to read
When you value trade, do not just grab a binder, look through it, and start picking cards willy-nilly. Before you go to a store, have a plan.
The Wealth of Binders
Safeguarding Your Stash
August 21, 2013
11 min to read
Safeguard Trading is a pretty simple concept used by every investor, from people with 401(k)s to multi-billion-dollar hedge funds
What We Learned
From the Vault 20 (Aug. 12)
August 12, 2013
10 min to read
I get it, I really do. As soon as that image of showed up as a preview for From the […]