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Monique Garraud
Grinding It Out
“To Be [Competitive], or Not to Be”
July 17, 2013
5 min to read
It’s easy for me to enter any event with my competitive mentality turned all the way up. So at this past weekend’s M14 prerelease, I decided to try to turn it down a notch.
Grinding It Out
My Little Secret
July 3, 2013
5 min to read
“Hey evil feature match fear monster, why do you keep following me?” I asked. “Because you keep calling me,” it responded.
Grinding It Out
The Many T-Shirts of GP Las Vegas
June 26, 2013
5 min to read
Cool T-shirts everywhere! I love Magic events because these folks know how to find their shirts, man.
Grinding It Out
Modern Masters Keywords and Instants
June 19, 2013
4 min to read
Modern Masters is finally out! This article will focus on its keywords, instants, and flash creatures, to help prepare you for GP Vegas.
Grinding It Out
RTR Block Combat Tricks
June 5, 2013
2 min to read
Prepare for GP Providence with this handy list of all the instants, bloodrush, and flash creatures of Return to Ravnica block.
Grinding It Out
Jund Midrange at PTQ Mount Holly
May 29, 2013
6 min to read
Road trip! I’m very excited for today’s PTQ because I get to travel with my favorite road-tripping buddies. After a quick stop at the bagel spot, Rob, Matt, Josh, and I embark on a 1.5-hour journey full of jokes and laughter and a little bit of Magic talk.
Grinding It Out
Jund Midrange at NY Spring States
May 22, 2013
5 min to read
8:20 a.m. It’s a cloudy day. I’m strolling along the bike lane when I come across a group of pigeons […]
Grinding It Out
Is This a PTQ or a GP Day Two?
April 24, 2013
9 min to read
By Monique Garraud 6:15 a.m.—I snooze once and then shoot up and awake to prepare for a long day. I […]