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Drawing Live
Four Color Token Aggro Control (or, Cube is sweet)
January 12, 2016
5 min to read
Ever drafted four color token aggro control? Excited about Stormchaser Mage in Modern? Zach has and Zach is! Here’s the how and why.
Bringing to Light
SCG Cincinnati Tournament Report
January 11, 2016
5 min to read
This week, Lexie talks about the things she learned at the Modern Star City Games event in Cincinnati.
Modern Institute of Technology
Developing the Core of Ad Nauseam
January 6, 2016
6 min to read
Shawn discusses Ad Nauseam Combo in Modern and discusses a common core between lists.
Brew Corner
Black Green Superfriends
December 29, 2015
9 min to read
This week Aaron explores his deep passion for Garruk, Apex Predator through a Modern Superfriends build.
Bringing to Light
Removing 8th and 9th Edition from Modern
December 21, 2015
4 min to read
This week, Lexie talks about why banning 8th and 9th Edition from Modern would be good for the format.
Silence, Exile, and Cunning
It’s Time to Unban Bloodbraid Elf
December 18, 2015
4 min to read
Derek continues our B&R announcement predictions before the Pro Tour. It’s time to unban Bloodbraid Elf.
Modern Institute of Technology
Can Sword of the Meek Be Unbanned?
December 16, 2015
7 min to read
With the upcoming B&R Announcement next month, Shawn makes the case for unbanning Sword of the Meek in Modern.
Brew Corner
Challenge Accepted
December 15, 2015
7 min to read
Aaron brews a sweet deck based on the mysterious Reddit Seance Modern challenge.
Hope Eternal
Moving From Standard to Modern
December 11, 2015
6 min to read
This week Kate shows you how to turn your Eldrazi Ramp Standard deck into a R/G Tron Modern deck, helping justify the insane cost of Standard.
Silence, Exile, and Cunning
Stoneforge Mystic and Modern
December 11, 2015
6 min to read
Recently the community went into hysteria over whether Stoneforge Mystic will see an unbanning in the Modern format. But will it happen?
Modern Institute of Technology
In Defense of Summer Bloom
December 9, 2015
6 min to read
Shawn defends Summer Bloom and provides a rationale on why it shouldn’t be banned.