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Hope Eternal
Remember Why We’re Here
March 11, 2016
3 min to read
This week Kate was reminded what is great about Magic.
Bringing to Light
Ending Eldrazi Winter
March 11, 2016
5 min to read
Lexie examines potential changes to the Modern ban list to end Eldrazi Winter.
Developments in Durdling
Just Playtest Modern
March 2, 2016
4 min to read
Zac tells WotC, “YOU HAD ONE JOB!” and that was to playtest new cards in Modern.
Hope Eternal
Time for Bans
February 26, 2016
3 min to read
This week Kate discusses her frustration with how Wizards handles bans.
Developments in Durdling
The Monster You Created
February 24, 2016
6 min to read
Zac Clark thinks the MTG community has good reason to pick a bone with WOTC R&D about the Eldrazi monster.
Drawing Live
Lame Duck Modern
February 23, 2016
5 min to read
SCG Louisville is over and the Eldrazi remain dominant. Is this truly a lame-deck Modern format until a ban, or is there a chance the Eldrazi are here to stay?
Brew Corner
Mardu Eldrazi Fighter
February 23, 2016
5 min to read
This week Aaron takes on the Eldrazi Menace representing almost half of Day 2 of the Modern Open in Louisville, 20 of those appearing in top 32.
Modern Institute of Technology
Regionals Wrap Up
February 17, 2016
6 min to read
Shawn created a spreadsheet to breakdown the results from Star City Games Modern Regionals.
Drawing Live
An Eternal Future
February 16, 2016
6 min to read
Eternal Masters is coming this summer! What does this mean for card prices, Legacy, Modern, and Conspiracy? We have the lowdown for you.
Developments in Durdling
The Eldrazi “Menace”
February 10, 2016
3 min to read
Zac thinks everyone need to CHILLAX and learn to welcome our Eldrazi Overlords.
Modern Institute of Technology
A Broken Oath
February 10, 2016
6 min to read
Shawn discusses the Pro Tour metagame after Oath of the Gatewatch and what it means for Modern moving forward.