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Far Wanderings

Designing JundJund: A Deep Dive Into Card Choices

Travis gives a closer look at the cards not included in this shared deck format, with some design philosophy along the way.

Far Wanderings

JundJund: A Dandân Variant for Midrange Players

Travis created a shared deck experience for people who love Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, and Lightning Bolt.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Snakes on a Plane with Seshiro

Prepare to return to Kamigawa, home of Seshiro, starring midrange snakes with tapdown hurricanes.

Legion's Landing

Midrange Markov: Edgar Markov Vampires

For when you want to take some time to play with your food.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Leveling Up

What Not to Do in Modern

Don’t go into the marsh!

The Rapport

Modern is Back in Black

Some thoughtsies about Thoughtseize.

Leveling Up

How to Train Your Bolas

Zack took his Grixis Bolas brew to a top 32 finish at the SCG Richmond Open.

Drawing Live

Mono-Red Jund

Despite being public enemy number one, Goblin Chainwhirler has taken PT Dominaria and Standard by storm. Why is Red so good and why has it been so good for so long?

None Shall Pass Bombs

Grand Prix Oakland Report

Carrie reports from Grand Prix Oakland on her final dance with Battle for Zendikar Standard


Team Draft League Champs!

Does Spawn of Thraxes belong in an honest RW draft deck? Hunter tests his mid-range theory in the finals of Team Draft League.

Power and Toughness

160th at the Poughkeepsie PTQ with Jund or The Wrong Deck on the Wrong Day

Bed came early Friday night. I didn’t go to team Modern Masters sealed practice. I didn’t go to FNM. I […]