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None Shall Pass Bombs

Bad Pool

Carrie explains why her Grand Prix Atlanta sealed pool was so bad.

Power and Toughness

What’s With All the Sighs, Raphael?

Matt continues his existential quest for content and value through art and Magic.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Journey into Journey into Nyx

Carrie shares her insight from a week of drafting the new set!

Ensnaring Cambridge

Modern UWR Twin, “Oops I Win,” and an Oceanic Undertaking

Shawn tests Modern UWR Twin against Merfolk. Will Twin prevail or will Kiki-Jiki drown in Spreading Seas?

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Power and Toughness

ScryDucks vs. Jung Gunz and The Decision

Matt zooms through ScryDucks match against Jung Gunz and reveals his GP Richmond deck choice!

Ensnaring Cambridge

MTG Finance/Speculation Review

Shawn reviews some specs from six months ago, offers up some new ones, and rethinks the basics of Magic finance.

Streamasaurus Rex

Tarmo Twin and Some Boglin’

Matt has Li Xu over for some Modern playtesting on MTGO. Hilarity ensues.

Power and Toughness

Team Draft League Week One: Going Pro

Matt treats us to video footage of the ScryDucks’ Team Draft League week one match vs. the Clockwork Bea(s)ts.

Ensnaring Cambridge

UW Control, Week Two

This week Shawn plays through a Maxpoint Silver event with UW Control, becomes an honorary member of the Wolfpack, loses to his brother, bashes Phyrexians, and finishes the whole thing in ninth place.

Ensnaring Cambridge

Rakdos Aggro

This week Shawn investigates Rakdos Aggro, the winning deck from GP Santiago, to see if it is the real deal or just a fluke.

Grinding It Out

How Do You Feel About Women In Magic?

Monique asks the question, “What are your first thoughts when a woman sits across from you at an event?”