Tagged in

magic the gathering

Swamp Talk

The Best Black Card? Cabal Therapy

Kyle’s exploration of Magic’s color of greed has brought him to an inevitable conclusion. The best Black card in Magic is Cabal Therapy.

Mizz Mizzet's Guide to Magical Manners

Playing Pickup

Our resident draconic expert in all things weighs in on the deceptive challenges around playing games at your local game shop

Prismatic Vistas

Wild Women: The Top Queer Ladies of Wilds of Eldraine

Dora’s ongoing series evaluating the queer women of Magic’s multiverse continues with her review of Wilds of Eldraine


An Expert Review of Eldraine’s Enchanting Tales (Part 2)

Rob and his special guest, Caitlin, continue their expert journey through the artwork of Eldraine’s Enchanting Tales.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Mizz Mizzet's Guide to Magical Manners

Exacting Exits

This week our resident draconic etiquette expert tackles the difficulty of exiting a game group you no longer want to take part in.

Swamp Talk

Bodies Bodies Bodies: Tombstone Stairwell

Kyle goes deep into the vault for a new idea for a Pre-Modern aggro black zombie build with Tombstone Stairwell


An Expert Review of Eldraine’s Enchanting Tales (With Special Guest)

Rob invites a very special guest to use their expertise in early childhood education and children’s stories to talk about Eldraine and Magic’s storytelling.

Mizz Mizzet's Guide to Magical Manners

Sixty Card Society

Do dragons have kitchen tables to play Magic at? Even so, Mizz Mizzet is here with advice on how to setup your best kitchen table Magic!


Searching for Sugarmaw

Rob looks at Devouring Sugarmaw and hopes for the best but can’t help thinking he’s seen this trick before somewhere…

Mizz Mizzet's Guide to Magical Manners

Auld Acquaintance

Magic, like life, is an ever changing place. Today, Mizz Mizzet tackles some hard questions about handling change.


Exploring the Universes

Rob takes out his crystal ball to look into what Wizards has planned for the future of their Universes Beyond product line.