Tagged in
magic the gathering
Plaguing it Safe
October 9, 2023
7 min to read
Rob has a new standard brew inspired by… the black death? Am I reading this right? Rob, are you okay? Blink once if…
Prismatic Vistas
Eldraine Story Deep Dive: Beauty and the Werefox
October 3, 2023
11 min to read
Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time, but can Wizards creative team do it justice as they re-envision the classic for Eldraine?
Casual Black Magic
The Gathering in Las Vegas
October 2, 2023
10 min to read
Sam’s column switches to a new day and to celebrate they’re forgoing the usual strategy content in favor of “Sam’s Weekend in Vegas!” Enjoy.
The Lure of the Goyf
October 2, 2023
6 min to read
Rob takes Standard’s newest Goyf legacies for a spin but will the resulting deck live up to its most infamous predecessors?
Lowry Muses
What the Heck Does Power Level Even Mean?
September 29, 2023
3 min to read
Lowry wants to know what is Power Level? Do you know? Ask your friends. Do they know? Does anyone know? Find out inside!
Behind the Card
About Urza’s Saga with Allison Steele
September 29, 2023
5 min to read
Kyle was blown away by the uniqueness of Urza’s Saga (the card, not the set) so he reached out to the card’s originator to learn more
Mizz Mizzet's Guide to Magical Manners
Selective Situations
September 27, 2023
5 min to read
Our resident draconic expert in all forms of multiversal etiquette tackles a daunting question: is there such a thing as too many tutors?
Swamp Talk
Enchantment Lack in Black
September 26, 2023
4 min to read
Kyle has decided that the time has arrived to come face-to-face with a burning question: Why can’t Black destroy enchantments?
Magic’s Worst Real Estate
September 25, 2023
7 min to read
Rates are way too high right now to be investing in real estate, especially anything found in this invaluable guide to low-value properties.
Prismatic Vistas
Bring on the Men
September 19, 2023
6 min to read
Dora’s seen Magic putting in some work to improve representation but one question still lingers: where are the (gay) men?
Roles Call
September 18, 2023
6 min to read
Rob dives into roles and their… um… role (whatever, you couldn’t do better) in the fairy tale world of Eldraine.