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Magic History
Drawing Live
Raise Dead Through Magic History
September 28, 2021
8 min to read
The humble Raise Dead reaches its pinnacle in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt’s Crawl from the Cellar. Its history, from 1993 to 2021, is a microcosm of Magic’s evolution as a game.
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Spell Pierce
September 1, 2020
5 min to read
As Zendikar Rises, we reflect on its most famous counterspell.
Drawing Live
Phasing Back In
June 10, 2020
5 min to read
The return of Phasing teaches us about Magic design and game design in general.
Drawing Live
Magic’s New Normal: Four Bans a Year
June 2, 2020
9 min to read
Four Standard bannings a year is somehow the new normal. How did we get here, and what can we expect going forward?