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From the Sideboard
M14’s Sexy Shirtless Guys Card Quest
July 17, 2013
4 min to read
Strap in for some almost-naked angels and conservatively dressed men. Also only the dead get fat.
Grinding It Out
“To Be [Competitive], or Not to Be”
July 17, 2013
5 min to read
It’s easy for me to enter any event with my competitive mentality turned all the way up. So at this past weekend’s M14 prerelease, I decided to try to turn it down a notch.
Command of Etiquette
An Unvarnished Look at the Pre-Release
July 16, 2013
4 min to read
As per the usual, I spend Saturday day into evening playing in two pre-release events for the new set. I […]
Drawing Live
Every Last M14 Uncommon Reviewed
July 16, 2013
29 min to read
Zach Barash and Hunter Slaton turn their attention to M14’s 60 uncommons. You decide who is Paul Simon and who is Art Garfunkel.
Power and Toughness
Magic: The Whatever, Tarantino Edition
July 15, 2013
6 min to read
It is no secret that I’m breaking up with Magic: The Gathering.
Every Last M14 Common Reviewed
July 12, 2013
33 min to read
Hunter Slaton and Zach Barash wrote approximately a billion words reviewing all of the commons in M14. Read up and get ready for this weekend’s prerelease!
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—The First Cut Is the Deepest
July 11, 2013
4 min to read
With M14 around the corner, it is time to talk about one of the toughest things that Cube owners have to do on a regular basis: Cutting.
Arting Around
The Blur of M14
July 10, 2013
2 min to read
My tyrant editor has been dogging me to expand “The Blur of” series, and he decided I should do one layered stack for each color in Magic 2014. Here it is.
Grinding It Out
M14 Instants and Flash Creatures
July 10, 2013
2 min to read
To prepare for M14, I have compiled a list of all of the instants and flash creatures that you may come across while playing this new set.
Command of Etiquette
No Need to Rush
July 9, 2013
6 min to read
M14 got spoiled the other night, and boy, does it look… something. See, I am trying something new this season, and the fact that M14 is initially somewhat underwhelming should make it easier for me.
Developments in Durdling
New Modern Love
July 6, 2013
7 min to read
There’s no sign of life, It’s just the power to charm, I’m lying in the rain, But I never wave bye-bye It’s […]