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Kickstarter Campaign Review
Gwelf Kickstarter by Larry MacDougall
November 12, 2019
3 min to read
Dive into the world of Gwelf.
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Gilt-Leaf Winnower
February 19, 2019
4 min to read
Some card designs communicate a single concept with astounding clarity.
Mirror Gallery
Foxfire Oak
November 29, 2018
12 min to read
Donny hangs a Shadowmoor classic on his wall: Dave Kendall’s Foxfire Oak.
Dear Azami
The Retcons of Revane
March 22, 2017
8 min to read
Levi begins a two-part dive into the complicated backstory of Nissa Revane. If you love Magic lore, don’t miss this one!
Drawing Live
Dealing with Failure and Success
June 14, 2016
4 min to read
Fresh off a PPTQ loss and a good deal of success with LLM and EMA, Zach asks the question: how do you reconcile feeling both good and bad at Magic?
Arting Around
Arting Aroung—The Awesome Adam Rex
August 19, 2015
9 min to read
Matt really enjoys interviewing former Magic artist and current brilliant artist Adam Rex!
Drawing Live
Perseverance in Lorwyn
April 29, 2014
4 min to read
Ever drafted Lorwyn? Even played really badly? Zach’s just done both, and happy about it. Found out why.