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Drawing Live

Theros Impressed

Zach’s back from his first prerelease and he’s learned some lessons about the format… and about Vaporkin.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Splash Mountain

This week I am going to talk about splashing extra colors of mana in a Limited deck, and specifically how awesome it is to do that in Return to Ravnica block draft.

Power and Toughness

There’s Shit in This Pool

Matt wishes he could start the whole shitty PTQ over again with a new pool of not impossible to build with cards.

Power and Toughness

Been Playing Blue and I Think I Like It

Drafting M14 Limited hasn’t been giving Matt Jones the blues but has given him the blue cards.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.


Enchantment Creatures Take Manhattan!

This week Hunter gets nymphomania, as he kicks the tires of Theros’ five-card cycle of common enchantment creatures.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Make Mine a Double

Welcome back! If you like sweet draft decks, then this Modern Masters one is for you.

Power and Toughness

Addiction and M14 Limited

Thursday night I ate some Thai food, and had a delicious Thai iced tea courtesy of and with my good […]

Draftasaurus Rex

Hugh’s PTQs (One of Ten)

My goal for this Limited PTQ season is to attend a minimum of ten PTQs. Here goes!

Power and Toughness

Aggressively Blocking Stinkweed Imps or 52nd at the Allentown M14 Limited PTQ

This weekend we drove from the Twenty Sided University campus to Allentown, Pennsylvania for the Pro Tour Born of Gods Qualifier. The format? M14 Limited.


The O’Hara Doctrine

How do you actually build a Limited deck? You should have a plan.



Lately everybody’s been ragging on core set. But there’s no better arena in which to reinforce Magic’s fundamentals.