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None Shall Pass Bombs
Theros Top Ten
December 19, 2013
12 min to read
Carrie loses to every red card ever printed but still puts one in her Theros limited top ten.
Scrub Report
Just One Touch
December 6, 2013
4 min to read
Tony reminisces about his mental and emotional battles with the deathtouch ability and finds the path to solace through lessons learned from chess.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Bound 2 the Rocks
December 6, 2013
17 min to read
Carrie travels to Canada and plays a lot of blue and white cards. Also, one of her opponents orders a pizza.
Grinding It Out
A Day in My Life: GP Toronto
December 4, 2013
5 min to read
Monique recounts her various experiences during her visit to GP Toronto.
Scrub Report
Black Magic Friday
November 29, 2013
6 min to read
Tony drafts a solid UB deck but has trouble getting results.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Theros Limited at Forty
November 28, 2013
11 min to read
Carrie considers the mature Theros limited format and goes Metta World Peace with various Hipstery jokes.
Drawing Live
Expanding Horizons
November 26, 2013
4 min to read
Zach has been taking a break from Limited lately and playing with 60 (or sometimes even zero) cards.
Scrub Report
The Scrub Report—My Heart Is Sealed
November 22, 2013
6 min to read
Tony takes LSV and Ben Stark’s advice on M14 Sealed deck-building.
My Theros Bucket List
November 22, 2013
6 min to read
Here’s my top 10 list of cool or dumb stuff I still want to do in Limited before Born of the Gods drops.
Grinding It Out
Exploring Theros Draft: UB Control
November 20, 2013
6 min to read
“Control SUCKS in this format.” Really? Monique would beg to differ.
Scrub Report
The Scrub Report—Therocious
November 15, 2013
6 min to read
After my recent improvements in gameplay and drafting I started feeling a bit ambitious. That’s usually a bad thing.