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None Shall Pass Bombs

Eternal Masters PPTQ

Carrie finished third in an Eternal Masters sealed PPTQ and reports on the fun.

Drawing Live

Dealing with Failure and Success

Fresh off a PPTQ loss and a good deal of success with LLM and EMA, Zach asks the question: how do you reconcile feeling both good and bad at Magic?

None Shall Pass Bombs

Eternal Masters Sealed

Carrie provides some guidance for Eternal Masters sealed tournaments.

Drawing Live

An Ode to Man-o’-War

Zach sings a song of praise to the greatest blue creature of all time: Man-o’-War.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Last Exit to the RPTQ

Carrie took a shot at qualifying for Pro Tour Sydney last weekend, snagging a last chance slot for the Denver RPTQ.

From the Sideboard

Never Concede

Carrie brings you some bonus advice not to concede, with a couple recent examples from tournaments.

Drawing Live

Eternal Masters Limited Analysis

Zach breaks down a bunch of important commons and common interactions in Eternal Masters draft, as well as addresses the elephant in the room: is Eternal Masters worth it?

Drawing Live

Eternal Masters: Initial Limited Impressions

Eternal Masters spoiler season has begun! Let’s check out the cards most important to Limited: the commons and uncommons, and make some surprising inferences about the rest of the set!

None Shall Pass Bombs

I Love the PPTQ

Carrie tells you why she loves PPTQs and you should stop hating on them so much.

Draftasaurus Rex

Mentality at the Sunday Super Series

Hugh comes out of retirement to win the Super Sunday Series at Grand Prix New York and talk about the mentality of winning.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Clue Drafting

Carrie delves into the blue-green clue archetype in Shadows Over Innistrad draft.