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Khans of Tarkir

Standard Deviation

Lok’Tar, Warrior!

Duncan celebrates the new World of Warcraft expansion by putting together a celebration (in deck form) of his class: Black/White Warriors!


Competitive Khans of Tarkir Sealed

Hunter ditched GP New Jersey side events for Twenty Sided Store’s awesome competitive Khans of Tarkir sealed event, and was rewarded with a PTQ-crusher of a pool.

Standard Deviation

Four-Color Abzan

Duncan takes a swing at porting one of his favorite KTK Limited archetypes into Standard!

None Shall Pass Bombs

Trail of Mystery

Carrie breaks down one of the more exciting Khans of Tarkir draft archetypes—Trail of Mystery!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Hope Eternal

The Road To Grand Prix New Jersey: Part II

In Part II of his survival guide for Grand Prix New Jersey, Tim lays out the post-Khans Legacy metagame data.

Counting to 20

Suspicious Khans Sealed Advice

@uncle_gcb challenges @ReidDuke to a grudge-match sealed-deck build-off on this week’s Counting to 20

None Shall Pass Bombs

I Won a PTQ!

Carrie won a Khans limited PTQ! Read all about it!


Why Khans Aggro Eats It

Hunter’s on whatever the opposite of a heater is in Khans of Tarkir draft, and he wants to figure out why.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Khans Sealed Deck Primer

Carrie breaks down how she builds a Khans sealed deck.

Power and Toughness

Cruise or Lo… Er, #GPNash Prep

Matt misses Eternal Weekend and silver lining’s his team into a very valuable Grand Prix Nashville Team Sealed practice.

Scrub Report


Tony signs off on his year of Scrub Report by asking friends some uncomfortable questions about their favorite Magic cards.