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Arting Around
The Blur of Kaladesh
September 28, 2016
3 min to read
Matt compiles all the beauty and majesty of Kaladesh into card sized abstractions to feed your eyeballs.
Drawing Live
The Kitchen Sink
September 27, 2016
6 min to read
Does Kaladesh seem fast for you? Did flood seem worse this weekend? That makes sense: Zach’s here to explain the importance and lack of Kaladeshi mana sinks!
None Shall Pass Bombs
Top Fives Coming and Going
September 22, 2016
4 min to read
Carrie says goodbye to her five favorite Shadows block cards, and highlights some new favorites for the Kaladesh prerelease.
Command of Etiquette
Kaladesh Commander
September 22, 2016
6 min to read
Jess gives a rundown of each legendary creature in Kaladesh and its place in existing Commander archetypes.
Grinding It Out
Kaladesh Instants and Flash Spells
September 22, 2016
1 min to read
Monique is back with her nifty table of Instants and Flash Spells. Brush up on Kaladesh combat tricks just in time for the prerelease!
Drawing Live
The First Vehicles
September 20, 2016
6 min to read
Vehicles have been a part of Magic since Arabian Nights. Now that they’re official, let’s celebrate them by seeing how far they’ve come since Flying Carpet.
Hope Eternal
Derailed Hype
September 16, 2016
3 min to read
This week Kate discusses the exhaustion of spoiler summer, and how she wishes there was less hype.
Eternal Durdles
Endless (spoiler) Summer
September 9, 2016
1 min to read
Zac and Nate can’t stop talking spoilers for Kaladesh!
Drawing Live
September 6, 2016
2 min to read
Zach responds to the never-ending summer of Magic announcements.
What We Learned
Why is Chandra White?
June 15, 2015
7 min to read
Welcome to Kaladesh where the Indian villagers are poor and helpless while the White folk are both oppressor and savior.